Are we now the popular new kids?

Wading into a busy marketplace with an unknown brand during the early stages of the BREXIT process, at first felt like trying to reach the beach when the tide was going out. But 18 months after launch, have we settled into our groove?

Stock landed in February 2018. We launched with Saddle and Frame straps in black only, to great success. Carrying your inner tube and tools on your frame and saddle via the use of straps wasn't a unique idea, so we weren't crawling into a cold bed. We were fulfilling an availability slot in the market which was required.

Louri Colour optionsWe now range 21 colours and patterns and are selling more to the cycling public and trade than ever and the growth curve is only steepening. This hasn't come without its challenges however. Challenges that have perhaps been what has held us back from expanding our range of product so far but made an opportunity on the flip side.

While we produce the product in the UK, we don't produce it with our own hands. This means large minimum quantities and a metric tonne* of raw materials to stock pile. Therefore, we can't produce on a 'just-in-time' basis and must instead hold deep stock. That's a challenge for cash flow, but it does mean that we have very good availability, something much of our competition struggle with.

Good availability, mixed with reliable product quality and a fast-growing retailer network means sales are booming and we are truly thankful for this. We still can't buy our dream cars or go on expensive holidays, but 18 months in and Lourí is growing consistently and in the last few months, the growth is only getting faster.


I'm not sure. We love our product and love the industry. It seems you do too. Lourí is being seen on more and more bikes and all of a sudden being talked about more and Lourí customers are buying again. Could it be that our name is starting to get out there?

I'll leave you with a recent YouTube video posted by a customer of ours....


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